When they asked me to put together something for episode 60 I decided to focus on some more abstract tracks and a few electro artists that I think deserve a bit more attention with the great music they are releasing. You can listen to the archive of the show which was aired on Thursday.
If you are looking for something fresh to listen to the show archives and artist interviews can all be found via the Analogue Interface website.
ITPDWIP - I Am Not Him [Lobster Theramin]
The Octagon Man - Vidd [Electron Industries]
London Modular Alliance - Lucid (Drox Remix)
Eon - I Live! [k]rack-troni[k]
Shawn Rudiman - Electro Days [Pittsburgh Tracks]
Cygnus - Intrastellar Cyberpunk [Biosoft Records]
CEM3340 - East 7 Miles [RotterHague Records]
Drox - N Sonic [Drox Industries]
Anthony Shake Shakir - Frictional Beat No.4 [Rush Hour Recordings]
FFT - sensory_hyperlinkfft_3abstract1 [Uncertainty Principle]
J Shaw - Levels Of Space
Tracey - CCLRT [Dial Records]
Marco Bernardi - Junkie Bastard [Frustrated Funk]
Noord Halle - 8r care [BAKK]
Anthony Shake Shakir - Space Probes [Morphine Records]
B.C. - Stronghold [i.t.p. recordings]
Chaos - Untitled? [Underground Resistance]
Linkwood - Fresh Gildans [Firecracker Recordings]
Shapeshiftr & The Sentinel - Electrik City [Southern Outpost]
Double Dutch - Tonight Is Your Night [Clone]